I am doing you all a favor -- or at least I am doing the one commenter here at MNPP who is always really happy whenever I post Adam Scott photos a favor; hey you! -- by posting this new shoot of the Severance star for GQ today when I haven't watched the second season finale yet. I have spent all day dodging spoilers on social media and now I have invited them into my own house! So please be respectful in the comments and don't say anything about the latest episode until tomorrow at the earliest -- I'm planning on watching it tonight. Although as I stated the last time this show came up to several people's consternation I admitted that I'm not super sold on this show -- it comes and goes. The little bit I've seen about this week's finale is people going nuts for it, and I remember feeling that last season too -- last season's finale was what convinced me that my before-that waffling feelings about the show were wrong, and that brought me back enthusiastically for the second season...
... only for the second season to then reinforce how I'd been feeling before. Point being Severance seems to be a show that gives us really great season finales only to meander in every other episode in ways that I don't find totally engaging even when I want to. Because I would like to like this show more than I do! The ingrediants are there! It looks great, it's got actors I like -- save Patricia Arquette who I still maintain is terrible on this. But I would watch ten hours of just Christopher Walken & John Turturro's characters. All of that said perhaps I will watch the finale and regret my ranting all over again. We'll see. For now we will just stare at Adam looking hot in his GQ suits and extremely necesarry scruff (scruff makes such a huge difference in Adam Scott's attractiveness levels) after the jump...