Thursday, October 10, 2024

A Brutalist Man

Another day, another NYFF review -- well that's not exactly true, these have been slow coming, but we're into them now at least. I have written up my thoughts on Brady Corbet's The Brutalist today for Pajiba -- click here to read those. it is mostly all very very positive, although there are a couple of large exceptions to my praise. But still -- it feels like a good and proper big ass movie movie that I see myself watching a dozen more times (I've already seen it twice and it very much rewards repeat viewings). And the second its score is released on vinyl I will buy that shit so fast -- probably the score of the year, right here, give or take a Challengers.  

Morgan Spector Three Times

I've had the first and third photos seen there for awhile now -- I tweeted them last week -- but I've been so distracted with screenings that I somehow hadn't gotten to posting them! Thankfully the middle photo popped up today and I was reminded -- otherwise this website would and should crumnble to dust through my own fault and neglect. These are new ones from Mr. Morgan Spector's photoshoot for The Cut in early September -- I did post the rest of that shoot right here so it's not all negrlect. Anyway! I had my last NYFF screening this morning so things will calm down a little -- although uhhh NewFest kicks off today (see my post on this year's edition here) and the Brooklyn Horror Fest kicks off one week from today so it won't be totally calm. But those are all night-time things -- I will be here day-wise, doing my thing. Giving you the Morgan Spector content you demand! And some other stuff probably. But mostly Morgan. Let's be real. MNPP stands for MorgaN sPector Peen after all!

Five Frames From ?

What movie is this?

Good Morning, World

Catching Dust writer-director Stuart Gatt -- who we should obviously note is very very attractive himself -- has on his Insta been sharing a pile of behind-the-scenes photos from that Texas neo-noir starring Jai Courtney and Erin Moriarty, but it wasn't until he shared the above image that I found myself compelled to share. Actually compelled to do a lot of things, but sharing that photo is the one of them I will tell you about! Catching Dust can be rented on Amazon right now -- I saw it when it screened at Tribeca last year and I remember liking it well enough, if not quite enough to inspire the writing of a review from me, but Mr. Gatt is being so generous with these photos I am telling you right now, go watch his movie! He's a good boy and deserves the views! Hit the jump for a few more photos (and one video) of note...

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Pic of the Day

A new photo of Nicholas Hoult in Robert Eggers' Nosferatu has been released -- huzzah! And listen I know I over-use "huzzah" in the wake of watching The Great, but since we're talking about Nicholas Hoult, star of The Great, it's called for this time. The full image is down below (via, thx Mac) with its annoying watermark included since I no longer have Photoshop, sighhh. That said the full image is really killer -- the colors, the blood, the snapping black dogs. I love all of it. Also Nicky in a poofy shirt and suspenders is pretty choice too, obviously. Nosferatu comes out on Christmas and is probably I think at this point the only movie left of 2024 that I am really dying to see? Now that I have seen Queer (twice!) it's nothing but Nosferatu!

Arnaud Valois Six Times

Always extremely happy when I can share a new photoshoot of my French boyfriend Arnaud Valois of BPM fame -- okay okay one of my many, many French boyfriends -- and this one is very fine! Via his Insta for a magazine called French Magazine apparently -- how literal! -- these go along with his turn playing Yves Saint Laurent in that Becoming Karl Lagerfeld miniseries that I somehow still haven't found the time to watch even though it also stars Daniel Brühl and Théodore Pellerin. I don't know! Have any of you watched it? Anyway you can hit the jump for the photos...

Five Frames From ?

What movie is this?

Good Morning, World

(click to embiggen) For those of you wondering if I have made time to watch Red White & Royal Blue yet the answer is no, no I have not. But every time I see a picture of Taylor Zakhar Perez -- like the one above, for instance -- my eyes grow hands and these eye-hands then slap me across the face for that oversight. (Bet you didn't think you'd read the phrase "eye-hands" today.) Anyway thanks to Taylor for keeping the flame alive. And for the eye-hands I guess, too. They come in handy! (Oh groan, somebody get the hook.)

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

 ... you can learn from:

The Limey (1999)

Stacy: Why don't they make shows about people's daily lives you'd be interested in watching? You know, like "Sick Old Man" or "Skinny Little Weakling." "Big Fat Guy." Wouldn't you watch a show called "Big Fat Guy"? I'd watch that fucking show.

You can tell this movie is 25 years old now because there basically are entire networks of shows called Big Fat Guy at this point. Anyway a very happy 25 to Steven Soderbergh's The Limey! This is a movie that needs to be mentioned among the list of that phenomonal year 1999's phenomonal offerings more vigorously -- it ranks right up there among that outrageously good year's very best. Y'all are fans, right? If not go watch it or go watch it again -- I got to see it on the big screen again a couple of years back and man alive this movie fucks. One of Soderbergh's greatest.

Jeremy Allen White One Time

Obviously we're all disappointed that he's wearing clothes this time -- the last time Calvin Klein showed JAW off it was a bulge riot. That itty bitty sliver of cum-gutter skin is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. But I'll take it! (via) Especially compared to the new Alexander Skarsgård picture which is showing off even less. What do they think, they're selling clothes or something???

We Hold These Hard Truths To Be

Time for another NYFF review! Click on over to Pajiba for my thoughts on Hard Truths, Mike Leigh's triumphant (seriously triumphant) reunion with his Secrets & Lies actor Marianne Jean-Baptiste. Every time I see a new Mike Leigh movie I am reminded of how grateful I am to exist in the timeline where Mike Leigh gets to make movies and this one, small and absolutely piercing, will stand among his best. This will be on my Best Movies of 2024 list, you best believe it, so pay attention!

Five Frames From ?

What movie is this?

Hey Look It's a Bob Dylan Movie

Whilst I was scuttled away in an NYFF screening this morning the first trailer for A Complete Unknown, the Bob Dylan biopic starring our boy Timmy C, dropped -- I'm on the record (probably more than once) in admitting I could give a shit about Bob Dylan, so I'm not the primary audience for this. But that cast is something! Besides Tim-Tim there's Boyd Holbrook as Johnny Cash, Scoot McNairy as Woody Gurthie, Ed Norton as Pete Seeger, Monica Barbaro as Joan Baez, and Elle Fanning as "Some Girl." (I think she's playing a made-up character? No doubt to show how the great man changes as he becomes great, like usual. God I could write the script for this movie right now, feels like. Anyway this is a trailer for this movie and I am now back at my desk from my morning screening.

A Complete Unknown is out on Christmas Day. 
Thoughts, if you care?

Monday, October 07, 2024

The Rumours Are True

Well now we're getting somewhere! This here Monday brings you my first review out of this year's New York Film Festival -- I am a slow one, I will be the first to admit it. But I really prefer to let movies marinate in my brain before plopping out a pile of thoughts and thankfully my editors at Pajiba are okay with that. Anyway I'll be dropping several reviews this week so our long national nightmare of waiting for my personal opinion has finally ended, huzzah. First up are my thoughts on Rumours...

... the new, weird, and completely hilarious Guy Maddin flick (co-directed by the brothers Evan and Galen Johnson, who've co-directed Maddin's last several films) -- this one has Maddin's biggest name cast to date (including Cate Blanchett and Alicia Vikander) and I don't think I have laughed harder in a theater this year? Read my review right here. This one is out super soon -- it hits theaters on October 18th! So below is the trailer. I don't recommend skipping this one -- it's very funny and very smart about the overwhelming hopelessness of right now. Yes -- somehow that's funny! Bless Guy Maddin. 

Oscar Isaac Nine Times

The clothing brand Brioni has wisely decided to keep Oscar Isaac on for another advertising campaign (see the previous one here), as all they need to do is photograph him manspreading in their clothes at crotch-level to make the internet spontaneously combust -- mission accomplished! These new snaps (via) have got my bisuits burning anyway. Hit the jump for them all...

Happy Monday From Russell Tovey

I have finally started keeping track of Russell Tovey's thirst-traps of the day in a thread on Twitter, but I started the thread a little late; I wasn't expecting him to keep going with it -- silly me! Anyway the thread now has Monday, Thursday, and Saturday -- there's also a Wednesday photo (see it here) but he posted that one before I got the thread going so I'll re-post it in two days on Wednesday where it belongs, to keep the thread up to date. Anyway that leaves three more days of the week, Russell! And you'd better not leave us hanging. I need a complete set!

Today's Mood

My schedule had a wrench thrown into it this morning so unlike what I said in this morning's post I am actually not at a NYFF screening but at my desk. Which involved some activity very much like the photo above of Timothee Chalamet seen on the set of Marty Supreme, his movie with Josh Safdie (the bearded one below) that's currently filming here in NYC. The pap snaps from set have been relentless -- the suits and staches are snap worthy indeed -- and I keep hoping I will bump into the production. But that's unlikely given how I am usually in three places these days -- my office, a NYFF screening room, or the floor of my apartment gently weeping. I was kind of hoping Timmy might be at that fancypants Queer screening I attended yesterday to say hey to his pal Luca (or Josh O'Connor -- I would've taken Josh O'Connor!) but no such luck. 

Five Frames From ?

What movie is this?

Good Morning, World

Hello my people, and happy Monday. From model-actor Jon Kortajarena (via) and myself, of course. Guess what? You'll never, ever guess. Yes it's true -- I am not actually here. NYFF screenings are still a'happenin', and I'm at one this very morning. I will be back this afternoon though, so hopefully that photo of good ol' Jon will keep you satisfied until I'm back. I should actually have some reviews going up shortly, so that's exciting. Also below are some photos I took of the Queer crew at a screening yesterday -- Luca, Daniel, Drew, Justin and Jonathan oh my! BTW if you click through my Insta you'll also see photos of Pedro Almodovar, Tilda Swinton, Julianne Moore, and John Turturro at NYFF for The Room Next Door on Friday! I'm living it up y'all! Stay tuned for more soon-ish...

Friday, October 04, 2024

Happy 50, Female Trouble

I have seen it said that John Waters greatest movie Female Trouble was premiered in Baltimore on October 4th 1974 or October 11th 1974, but whether it's this week or next week I think we can all agree -- I wouldn't suck your lousy dick if I was suffocating and there was oxygen in your balls! In all seriousness -- okay "seriousness" seems like the worst word when it comes to this movie? But in all truth this is my favorite John Waters joint of them all. Every single line of dialogue is hilariously funny and quotable from start to finish, and every character is an icon -- from Taffy to the Dashers to Aunt fucking Ida on down! Anyway since I'm indeed offline again today for NYFF screenings -- and it's happily a very queer day too with Pedro Almodovar and Luca Guadagnino's new movies on the menu! -- please regale me with your favorite bits and bobs from this perfect masterpiece in the comments so I have something to read when I'm back. And never forget -- pretzels give you plaque.