Thursday, September 12, 2024

Everything Must Go! Sell! Sell! Sell!

I know I've done several of these posts over the past few months but I'm really trying to dig myself out of the heaps of things that've accumulated in my small apartment so I've been listing tons of shit on eBay, and I feel the need to direct people there so it can get the hell out of my face! It's all awesome great nerdy shit, don't worry -- this week I've been listing vinyl records (mostly horror soundtracks but not all) but there are movies, there are movie posters, there are books (most of them about, you guessed it, movies), there are movie collectibles. It runs the gamut of nerdery and I know y'all do too, so please click on over to eBay and buy some of my shit. I am tired of staring at it. Make me offers! I take (reasonable) offers! And if you buy multiple things I'll combine the shipping and refund you the extra, I promise. And as this blog is 20-some years proof of, I am OCD enough that you don't have to worry about me not packaging everything extremely safely. And I take really good care of my shit so it's all in perfect condition. There's literally nothing stopping you from having a piece of me memorabilia in your house then! So save me from myself, please! And thanks. 

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

 ... you can learn from:

Ashes of Time (1994)

Ou-yang Feng: People say, when you can't have what you want,
the best you can do is not to forget.

The great Leslie Cheung would've turned 68 today. 
We miss you, Leslie!

Which is Hotter?

I don't always take requests -- not because you people have bad ideas, just because I'm lazy -- but when commenter  Spideu137 left the suggestion to pit Josh Hartnett's evil sexiness in Trap against James McAvoy's evil sexiness in this weekend's Speak No Evil remake, well, that's a good idea! Crazy difficult choice! So pit them against one another I shall!

That said if they want to make a sequel where the two of them wrestle one another for dominance, I think we'd all accept that offer. Anyway I haven't seen SNE yet -- I had to miss the press screening Monday so I will see it (and review it) over the weekend. I will try to be impartial given what a masterpiece the original is but James sure is making it hard (heh)...

Five Frames From ?

What movie is this?

Get Outta Yer Kit, Kit

Knowing that Kit Harginton is letting his White Walker march across the stage for every single performance of Slave Play in London has been eating away at me for these past several weeks, but these two photos of him somewhat undressed in his dressing room and looking incredibly sexy (what's new) are salving that open wound for a few seconds today. (via) Along with that shirtless photo we got back in July at least it's something. Something! Not everything, but something! (I still want everything, though.)

Good Morning, World

Male model and The Gentlemen actor Harry Goodwins, who we have now devoted several posts to, would like to send you some gym-spiration for your Thursday morning. Or is not gymspiration, jerkspiration. Oooh did I just make up a new word? Nevermind I googled it, it's already a word in the urban dictionary. Sigh. Every good idea has been taken! Fuck you, William Shakesepare!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Lucas Bravo Ten Times

More like Lucas Bravissimo! What a stellar week for us Lucas Bravo lovers! Yesterday I shared thirteen new photos of our favorite too-pretty-to-be-real Emily in Paris actor -- and now here today I've got an entirely different and extremely hot in a totally different way photo-shoot of ten more! (via) He's so chameleonic -- yesterday he was the rugged granola type covered in dirt rocking a stache and bandana, while suddenly now he's playing the suave and stylish city gent with all of that luxurious swooping hair. He can do it all! (Especially me.) Hit the jump for all of these...

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

 ... you can learn from:

Raising Cain (1992)

Nan: You know Dr. Nix, 
I should be going out with older guys. 
I'll tell you somethin'. For a man your age, 
you're uh, you're still pretty cute. 
Cain: It's not the mileage, honey. It's the make.

A happy 84 to the legend Brian De palma today! I've actually been re-watching little bits of the 2015 doc De Palma this week in an unrelated coincidence, which I recommend everyone see if you haven't before (here is my review) -- it's nothing but two hours of the man telling stories about making his movies and it's riveting. It's exactly what I want from a doc about a filmmaker. I wish they'd make one for every master still at work right now just like this. 

Anyway do we think that he's got another movie in him? IMDb has two listed as "In Development" -- one called Catch and Kill described as "a horror film set in Hollywood and featuring a predatory movie mogul" and one called Sweet Vengeance that's described as being "reportedly a murder mystery inspired by two real-life murders." But it's been five full years since his last movie Domino came out and that one wasn't well-received at all (with good reason since it wasn't great) -- still I would love for him to drop at least one more sleaze-bomb on us. Not that his legend isn't secured -- I am just greedy!

Happy Hump Day From Russell Tovey

We will always take the bait, Russell!

Five Frames From ?

What movie is this?

Good Morning, World

Let's make like Melanie Lynskey and start our day off with Jason Ritter's cute little bum staring at us! (via) This is from a 2012 movie called Free Samples that I have never heard of in my entire life but which actually has quite the cast -- Ritter, Jesse Eisenberg, and the still under-appreciated Jess Weixler of my beloved 2007 vagina-dentata horror movie Teeth. (And justice for Teeth which I realized recently still hasn't been put out on blu-ray yet!) (You can watch it on Prime right now though!) Anyway thanks for getting us off on the right foot -- cheek? -- this morning, Mr. Ritter!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Lucas Bravo Thirteen Times

Congratulations to French actor Lucas Bravo (I always feel like I am sending in helicopters to a war-zone when I say his name in my head) -- you have fully reached the Michiel Huisman level of "This man is so attractive he makes me angry" attractiveness. As a gay man who deals in objectifying male actors (so to speak, and to simplify) it's always a battle between wanting to be them and wanting to have them. But a select few hit both buttons at once so hard and so violently that I become bewildered, dizzy, verklempt. Lucas has officially unlocked that level.

Anyway I am happy to see on his IMDb that he's got several projects in the pipeline -- several projects that are not Emily in Paris, because I just cannot bring myself to watch that show no matter how much Lucas and Lucien Laviscount hotness it promises me. Two of his projects -- a thriller called Turn Up the Sun with James McAvoy and Merteuil, a Dangerous Liasions prequel series with Diane Kruger -- sound especially interesting. Until then we'll just stare at these anger-inducing photos of his despicable gorgeousness for California Style magazine; hit the jump for them all...

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

 ... you can learn from:

All of Us Strangers (2023)

Mum: They say it's a very lonely kind of life.
Adam: They don't say that anymore.
Mum: So you're not lonely?
Adam: If I am it's not because I'm gay. Not really.

My number one movie of last year Andrew Haigh's masterpiece All of Us Strangers is now out on 4K blu-ray today thanks to the wonderful wonderful folks over at Criterion -- pick up your copy here (as if y'all didn't already have it pre-ordered from when I first announced it was coming out). Here is my review of the movie, where I said of it "an epic of intimacy with a staggering open wound of a performance from Andrew Scott in its lead, All of Us Strangers is so brave in its honesty we’re all left naked babes wailing in its wake." 

(Heyyy Paul.) It's a movie that hit me harder with every re-watch -- every single actor in this film should have been nominated for an Oscar, along with all of the people behind the scenes in every single category, and it's total lack of nominations stands as further proof the Oscars are total shit. TOTAL SHIT. Anyway that's hardly news -- I'm just so glad that Criterion's giving it a proper physical-media release. Since it was a streamer's film and it made no money there was no gaurantee that it would get this. So go shower your money on Criterion in appreciation!

Five Frames From ?

What movie is this?

Good Morning, World

I mentioned Aussie actor Toby Wallace just a couple of days ago when the first images from Ron Howard's new movie Eden hit the net -- specifically the first images of Jude Law half naked in it, and we've got an update on that front:

Ahhhhem. Anyway back to Toby -- I've been a fan of his since his turn in Babyteeth in 2019; did any of you see that movie? Eliza Scanlan plays a teen girl dying of cancer and Toby is the bad boy who invades her life and turns it upside down. That's a good, sweet, sad movie, and he is terrific in it -- see it if you haven't. Since then he's been in The Bikeriders and The Royal Hotel with Julia Garner and I expect we'll be seeing a lot of him as he's talented and, also importantly, super cute.

As this new photoshoot for Behind the Blinds magazine makes clear! (PS you'll also be seeing a lot of him in Eden, by the way, but you didn't hear that from me. Ahem.) Aaaanyway this is probably just the first post of what will be many on Toby, so welcome to the gratuitous club, my boy. Hit the jump for the photoshoot...

Monday, September 09, 2024

More Like Thirst Trap

Oh blessings be unto us -- it turns out that tthere are a couple of set photos from the scene where Josh Hartnett's gets shirtless in M. Night Shaymalan's film Trap! I am feeling catered to! In case you missed it the movie is out on digital rental now -- it's a fun time! I enjoyed it. Here is my brief capsule review. Just turn off your brain and you'll have a lot of fun. It's great entertainment and Josh is legitimately fantastic in it. Fantastic whilst looking like this. I won't cry about life not being fair -- I will only appreciate he shares his great fortunes with the rest of us.

Thank You, Morgan Spector

Last Friday I shared the above photo but in a far inferior quality copy -- now we've got the goods in hi-fi, baby! (That means click to embiggen 'em.) And then more photos to boot! The shoot is for The Cut, where they chat with him about "How To Behave" and lord knows we want our daddy to tell us how to behave. They all know what they're doing! Anyway he unfortunately keeps his words pretty P.G. rated, but when he said he lurks on Twitter I was like, "Oh he has definitely seen my sordid tweets about him then." So hi Morgan! And thank you for your service. Now we will be your best boys and hit the jump for the four more photos...

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

... you can learn from:

Heat (1972)

Sally: And you're NOT a lesbian. 
I mean, everybody has girlfriends. 
Men have friends, women have friends. 
That doesn't make you a lesbian. 
Do you sleep in the same room with her?
Jessica: Sure. How else can I be a lesbian?
Sally: Where does Mark sleep?
Jessica: With us.
Sally: In the same bed?
Jessica: In the same bed.
Sally: Is that a way to bring up a boy? 
He'll be a lesbian!

Today is the 100th anniversary of the one-of-a-kind Sylvia Miles! I just saw Tobe Hooper's The Funhouse at MoMA a few weeks ago and my god she walks away with that entire film in her two scenes. What a goddamned treasure she was. The movies lost one of its brightest and most shining stars when she passed in 2019. If you've got any tell me your favorite Sylvia Miles movie moments in the comments!

Quote of the Day

"[At that time,] I had started to think about this project I had shelved right before the pandemic. It’s a genre film set in late 19th century France, but it feels like the most personal story I could tell in my life right now. The original source material is a short story, but I’m going to say that 80% will be completely made up. Writing it, I’m avid. I’m really excited. It’s playful and [the dialogue has] a lot of humour; the language that these people of literary society – or Les Lumières – were speaking in at the time. I’m drawing, painting – every shot is already described. I even went to the textile merchant the other day to buy fabric for the costumes. I aim to be shooting this in the summer or fall of 2025, which means it’ll be released in 2026. That would mean that it will have been eight years since the shoot of Matthias & Maxime – the span of the first chapter of my career. Eight years of making films, and eight years of not making any. I love that symmetry. "

Good news that Xavier Dolan is quitting his self-imposed "retirement" and getting to work on another movie -- I put retirement in quotes because he made a whole TV series during said retirement (and was about to start another one for HBO) but as fondly as he speaks of The Night Logan Woke Up he seems to not count it since it wasn't a movie. Indeed in this chat at i-D magazine he says a lot of self-indulgent nonsense but that's our Xavier; it's why we love him. (Or many have the exact opposite reaction.) Indeed the entire interview is about how one of his comments got blown up and ruined him -- and yet in the next breath he says he made that TV show and was about to make another one for HBO, so! His ruination isn't quite like everyone else's would be, it seems. All that aside we're happy he's going to make more movies and we're also happy he did another bratty-hot photoshoot (ahh to the real reason we care) and here is that, after the jump...

Bill Skarsgård Fourteen Times

I'll be seeing most of my most anticipated movies of the rest of 2024 over the next few weeks at NYFF starts up -- namely Queer and Almodovar's The Room Next Door -- but my Most Most Anticipated isn't hitting until Christmas and it doesn't appear to be hitting any festivals and of course I speak of Robert Eggers' Nosferatu. So it was nice to get a long chat between Eggers and Bill Skarsgard over the weekend in Another Magazine where they talk in depth about their process creating their monster...

... but if you want to avoid knowing how the film ends, maybe avoid reading it. I mean the film ends like every other adaptation of Nosferatu, because Eggers is smart enough to know that's the only ending worth ending it with. But still -- you could say it's a spoiler, especially if you've never seen Muranu or Herzog's versions. Anyway besides the chat I am also extremely thankful for this photoshoot of Bill that the magazine included, and I think you will be as well. Hit the jump for them all...