Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Arnas Fedaravičius Nine Times
Good Morning, World
It must be so weird for Sam Nivola to play a person who is related to a guy with such a beautiful ass that it's impossible not to stare at -- I can't imagine where he's summoning that energy from
— Jason Adams (@jamnpp.bsky.social) February 24, 2025 at 10:58 AM
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Monday, February 24, 2025
Luca Talks
Good Morning, World
Friday, February 21, 2025
Welcome to the Theo-Crazy
Which is Hotter?
Sucking the Boys Dry At Home!
People who complained about NOSFERATU being "too dark" really never watched GAME OF THRONES did they
— Jason Adams (@jamnpp.bsky.social) February 11, 2025 at 8:22 PM
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Good Morning, World
Thursday, February 20, 2025
The Monkey in 400 Words
Like I said -- I don't know him. And yet knowing what I do -- having watched him speak eloquently in Bryan Fuller's horror doc Queer For Fear about his closeted father's tumultuous relationship with the character of Norman Bates and his death from AIDS, and also knowing that Osgood's mother, the actress Berry Berenson, was killed in one of the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center on 9/11 -- the thematic threads of cursed familial chaos passed down patriarchally that thrum though The Monkey feel, you know, fairly pointed! Notable. Of note. Resonant. And then when planes on fire start falling out of the sky? Can you blame me? These thoughts are right there for the taking.
It also might be, all due apologies to Gretel, my new favorite movie of Oz's. It'll definitely take a second viewing to decide that because The Monkey is so tonally erratic and balls deep wackadoo that it's hard to decide from moment to moment if this shit's anarchic genius or gallumphing mess. Hell maybe it's both! But in a world of so much personality-free I.P.-driven "content", The Monkey feels so bloody particular, so preposterously gonzo, that I must slow-clap it for audacity alone. (If you liked last year's Cuckoo, which I've come to appreciate more and more with distance for how by-its-own-rules it flew, this should also be your cuppa.)
Charlie Cox Eight Times
Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...
... you can learn from:
Streamers (1983)
Cokes: Hey, hey. Why is he crying?Roger: He's crying because he's a queer.Cokes: You a queer, boy?Richie: Yes, Sergeant.Cokes: How long you been a queer?Richie: I don't know.Roger: All of his fucking life.Cokes: Don't be talking mean at him. Ain't two months ago,maybe even yesterday, I called a kid who was a queer a lotof awful names. Now I just want to be figuring things out.Richie: I don't know what's hurting in me.I don't know what's hurting in me.Cokes: Oh, no, no, boy. You listen to me.
You're going to be okay. There's a lotof worse things than being a queer in this world.I mean, you could have leukemia. That's worse.