Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Parker Posey Island Hop

The cast for In Bruges and Banshees of Inisherin writer-director Martin McDonagh's next movie is shaping up and it's a good one -- this past week Parker Posey and Steve Buscemi both joined the already-cast Sam Rockwell and John Malkovich in Wild Horses Nine. Buscemi is replacing Mark Ruffalo (and I feel like that's the first and only time that sentence has been or will be uttered) and the movie will shoot on Easter Island of all places later this month. I have to admit I sort of feel like Sam Rockwell is a harbinger of doom as far as McDonagh movies go -- he starred in my two least favorite movies from the director previously. But maybe their third time together will be a charm? And Posey's presence more than makes up for anyone else. Our queen! I'm slightly curious what y'all are thinking of her work on The Whote Lotus but also hesitant to ask because just know I vehemently disagree with any complaints, of which I know many are going around. I think she's hilarious AND I think she's nailing the accent. So there!

You Just Got Eye Fucked, Zane Phillips

From what I can tell this video's like a year old so I imagine it's from an awards show where Fellow Travelers was nominated (that's actor Jelani Alladin on the left side of the frame) but who cares about context -- if Jonathan Bailey looked at me the way he was caught looking at Zane Phillips there I would turn into a puddle of mush on the floor and I feel the need to have that look documented here on the site, context or no. Phew! I got the vapors!

Five Frames From ?

What movie is this?

Good Morning, Gratuitous Robert Gilbert

I feel bad, for reasons the above photo make clear, that I don't remember actor Robert Gilbert when he was apparently on Killing Eve for seven episodes -- in my semi-defense that was a show I watched all of but only sort of watched, if that makes sense. Anyway if the above photo was of him on that show I'd certainly remember him, but it's not -- it's from some series called Big Boys which is an incredibly appropriate title given the above photo is all I know of it. Anyone watched that, or remember him from Killing Eve? Anyway once that photo entered my life I dug up a few more and I have them for you after the jump, enjoy...

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

If Thou Canst Cuckold Him

Every day i enter the lottery for Othello tickets (sometimes twice!) and every day I lose. (Also sometimes twice.) So this post is me putting positive energy into the world. You will win Othello tickets, you will win Othello tickets, you will win Othello tickets... sigh. I've managed to see Jake every other time he's done theater but the cost of Othello tickets is out of my reach. No wonder the show is breaking box office records -- it's a thousand bucks for a decent seat. Thus endeth my whine for the day. Carry on.

Leo Woodall Five Times

As confided a couple of weeks ago I'm still watching the Apple series Prime Target since I needed something reprehensibly dumb to turn my brain off with and my god it's filling that quota -- who cares though when Leo Woodall is too adorable to turn away from? I vegged out through two more episodes last night and I can say with complete confidence that I enjoyed them ten thousand percent more than I did the episode of Severence that I watched directly after. (I saw somebody describe Severence as a show that thinks it's much smarter than it actually is and that's where I am on it. What a snooze this season has been.) Anyway with Leo on my mind I dug up this photoshoot from several weeks back (via) for us to enjoy right here after the jump...

Tales Tales & Get Sunk

My music posts always feel like solitary little islands among the beefcake and movie shit but I don't care -- if there's Radiohead or Radiohead-adjacent news I will post it dammit! And today comes word that my favorite band's front-man Thom Yorke has a new side-project getting released in May -- an album called Tall Tales that he worked on over the past several years with producer and musician Mark Pritchard. It's out on May 9th and you can pre-order yourself a physical copy at this link (or at participating record stores!) and they dropped a video of the first song called "This Conversation is Missing Your Voice" down below. I do wish Radiohead would make a new record (it's been EIGHT years since their last one!) but I tend to love everything the members put out seperately too (especially Thom and Jonny) so I'm all over this.  

But wait there's more music news today! Speaking of singers going solo -- The National front-man Matt Berninger has also dropped the pre-order for his second solo album called Get Sunk, and you can pre-order that right here. (Including a signed limited edition seen below.) I liked Matt's first solo album a lot so I too am also all over this. Perhaps you will be as well. Or not. More beefcake to come, don't worry!

Five Frames From ?

What movie is this?

Good Morning, World

I love it when actors do the work for me -- and you can chisel that on my tombstone -- so thanks to German actor Matthias Schweighöfer for posting this new photoshoot in honor of his own 44th birthday today! Schweighöfer was a great big star in Germany before making some in-roads here in the States thanks mainly to Zack Snyder's Army of the Dead zombie action movie -- his character even got his own spin-off prequel with Army of Thieves the same year. And then he had a small role in Oppenheimer too but then well who didn't? Anyway he first caught our eye well before that, romping about in his altogether with his buddy and also MNPP fave Florian David Fritz in the movie 100 Things which I must've posted about a half billion times back circa 2018. Maybe that's how he also caught Zack Snyder's eye! Sounds about right to me. Anyway hit the jump for the birthday boy's full fine new photoshoot...

Monday, March 10, 2025

All Hail Jenny Pen!

On Friday I promised you that my review of the new horror movie The Rule of Jenny Pen was dropping imminently -- well imminent turned out to be "Monday" but it's here now! Click here to read my thoughts on the movie -- I am a fan. Of course I'm a fan. It's a movie about a sadistic John Lithgow tormenting old people in a nursing home with an eyeless babydoll hand puppet -- they could release a movie with that description every week and I would go to see every one! But that would be the good timeline which we obviously veered off of, so let's just embrace this one while we have it. 

Today's Fanboy Delusion

 Today I'd rather be...

... giving Olly the rub-down.

That shot of fur-monster (complimentary!) Oliver Jackson-Cohen comes to us via the Agatha Christie mystery miniseries Towards Zero, which is on BritBox -- you can see a couple more gifs from this moment right here if you think your heart can take it. Has anybody watched the series? The show itself I mean? I spent half this weekend in a fugue state staring at the series of gifs. Oliver Jackson-Cohen has done so much for hairy chest enthusiasts! (Not like that turncoat Charlie Cox!) He should be given a trophy. I have one in mind actually... 

Five Frames From ?

What movie is this?

Good Morning, World

Happy Monday! I hope you're all caught up on The White Lotus -- otherwise look away! Not that this scene is a "spoiler" exactly, except to a good gag. (And I'd give Jason Isaacs a good gag if you catch my meaning.) Yes another character's dropped trou on the show -- if you'd like to hear Isaacs talk about the scene click over to EW where he "unpacks" it lol. The real question, the one nobody's answered so far as I can tell, is whether that's all Jason Isaacs or not. My vote is not -- that it's a prostetic -- but why don't y'all unpack your magnifying glasses and go all Jessica Fletcher on it after the jump and tell me in the comments your thoughts...

Friday, March 07, 2025

The Way To My Heart is With Cox

It's Friday! Thank Cox. I hate how hard I wish weeks by these days, given the amount of weeks I have less in my life... well it feels like the hourglass is fatter on the bottom now. But the world's just too much of a disaster and I need my two days of shutdown more than ever. And just think -- it's only 80 days until Memorial Day and then I get my three-day weekends again! Yippee! And then after that it's practically 2028 and we'll have a new President. Well, probably. Ugh and with that my stomach dropped -- see why I just need to be offline and on the floor for two full days?? 

Glad I don't have to review MICKEY 17 because it's like ten movies at once and only half of them are working but it's also really fun at times (I LOVE THE CREEPERS SO MUCH) and there is this shot of Robert Pattinson's ass that is absolutely to die for so consider yourself somewhat educated

[image or embed]

— Jason Adams ( March 7, 2025 at 1:14 PM

Aaaaaanyway there are two count 'em two movies of note out this weekend -- one is Bong Joon-ho's Mickey 17 which I wrote the world's briefest review of above. It probably deserves more effort than that but... see everything I said at the start pof this post. I'm fucking spent, man. The other movie out this weekend is the horror film The Rule of Jenny Pen and I actually wrote a proper review of that one! But [insert 'womp womp' sound effect here] it's not going up onto Pajiba until tomorrow I believe. So you'll have to wait 24 hours for those thoughts. Will the wait be worth it? Probably not! I have nothing interesting to say! And that's why now I'm going home to collapse. Goodbye!

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

 ... you can learn from:

All of Us Strangers (2023)

Harry: You are queer, right?
Adam: Yeah.
Harry: That's good.
Adam: Well, 'gay'. I can't get used to calling 
myself 'queer'. It was always such an insult.
Harry: It's probably why we hate 'gay' so much now. 
'Gay' meant lame and shit. Those trainers are gay. 
That haircut's gay. This sofa is gay. Your school bag's gay. 
'Queer' does feel polite somehow though. 
Like all the dick-sucking's been taken out.
A happy 52 to the great Andrew Haigh today!

Which is Hotter?

Apropos of nothing save I was currently thinking about Charles Melton after seeing the below batch of photos of him chilling with his Warfare co-stars and that led me to those two photos of him that I'd not seen before, a random poll for y'all! Who doesn't like taking a Melton break now and then?

Taylor John Smith seems to be the WARFARE actor with the Instagram worth following!

Letting Noah Centineo...

... set the tone for this Friday.

Josh Heuston Eight Times

I feel as if I willed this new Men's Health photoshoot of Dune Prophecy actor Josh Heuston into being by posting photos of his co-star Chris Mason two days ago -- Josh didn't like the attention coming off of him so he took sexy retaliation! That's the best kind of retaliation. Or it could be Josh is just an exhibitionist. Given he looks like he looks and he is a former male model and I was able to gather up a shit-ton of photos for the big gratuitous post I did on him when DP was on this seems likely, and natural and good. So hit the jump for the entire exhibition then...

Five Frames From ?

What movie is this?

Good Morning, Fucktoy François

It's been almost three years since François Arnaud debuted the sexy bleach-blond scuzzball look that turns out to've been for his role in the upcoming movie Fucktoys, which is premiering at SXSW this Sunday. We'll have to wait to see if all of that wait was worth it but the look itself was worth it, that's for sure. A teaser for the film just dropped, so watch:

I'm not doing SXSW so you'll have to look to other people for immediate reviews of the film. But I can give you gifs! I can give you gifs of François right this minute. Hit the jump for them...