Tom Holland! Ringing in the New Year like a mofo! This photoshoot from Men's Health had been teased all holiday weekend (week? I don't know what day it is) with grainy quality copies popping up on social media but now we've got the real hi-res deal and that little bout of edging was worth it -- click these individual photos and hoo boy do they embiggen. It's like you can lick each ab (and why wouldn't you want to?) Someone said they thought this new shredded body is probably for his role in Christopher Nolan's next movie -- his over-the-break announced adaptation of The Odyssey -- and that makes sense to me...
... although I did say in reply that every actor is expected to have a ridiculous body like this right now, so it's probably also (and mainly) that. Not that I am complaining! I am well passed the point of personally murdering myself for unreasonable body expectations so I can just happily look on. Be healthy, kids! Et cetera. Tom's got fifty people sculpting those abdominals for him. For us! (And being Zendaya's arm candy isn't a part-time job either.) Okay I have done my New Years responsible person due diligence -- now let's hit the jump for it...